Acer Palmatum Bonsai Japanese Ghost Maple Seeds
Grow your own captivating Japanese Ghost Maple Bonsai with these Acer Palmatum seeds. Vibrant Green leaves lead to soft pops of color of pink and purple in the spring months, the Ghost Maple Bonsai is sure to capture the attention of those nearby. With its moderate size and sturdy wood, it’s an excellent choice for a long-term bonsai that will bring beauty to your garden or courtyard for years to come.
These Japanese Ghost Maple Bonsai seeds are perfect for cultivating in a temperate climate. They’re easy to grow and take care of, withstanding mild to moderate pests and diseases, as well as offering some degree of deer resistance. They’ll add seasonal color to any outdoor space and thrive in sunlight and medium soils, with occasional watering.
Product Details:
• Latin Name: Acer Palmatum
• Planting Season: Late Spring
• Germination Rate: High
• Grown Plant Size: Medium
• Time to Maturity: 2-3 years
• Soil Type: Medium
• Watering and Sunlight: Occasional watering and direct sunlight
• Uses:Outdoor Plants & Courtyard
• deer-resistant
• Pest and Disease Resistant
How to Plant Japanese Ghost Maple Bonsai Seeds
1. Start by soaking your seeds overnight or for 24 hours
2. Fill a growing pot with a decent-quality potting soil mix
3. Plant the seeds at a depth of 1/4″-1/2″
4. Cover the seeds and pack the soil down lightly
5. Water the potting soil lightly and keep slightly moist
6. Place the pot in a warm and sunny area
7. Once the seedlings have germinated, move them to a sunny area outdoors or in a window that receives direct sunlight
7. After the seedlings have grown to 2″ in height, fertilize every 6-8 weeks through the summer to aid in healthy growth
8. Transfer to a larger pot or landscape bed when desired size is reached.